Application of Paper Chromatography to Testing Benzidines in Dyes; Study on the interaction of aniline compounds to serun albumin 用纸色谱法检测染料中联苯胺类化合物苯胺类化合物与血清白蛋白的相互作用研究
Moreover, this strain was confirmed to be lactic acid type yeast by paper chromatography and gas chromatography. 纸层析和气相色谱法表明该酵母的产酸类型为乳酸。
Paper chromatography ( PC): Type of chromatography using filter paper or other special paper as the stationary phase. 纸色层分析法:用滤纸或其它特殊纸张来做固定相位的一种色层分析法。
Determination of Xanthopterin in the Human Urine by Paper Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection; 该方法快速、简便、可靠,适用于人体尿液样品中上述黄烷酮分离分析。
Two Suitable Developing Solvents for Isolating Tyr and Cys by Paper Chromatography 胱氨酸和酪氨酸纸层析分离的理想展开剂
A method for separation of amino acids by circular paper chromatography was reported. 本文尝试采用圆形纸色谱法对氨基酸进行分离。
Different solvents were used to distill chloroplast pigment, and then the extractive was separated with paper chromatography. 叶绿体色素提取与分离实验,在植物生理学的实验中,是一个非常重要的教学内容。
Determination of impurities in WPA by paper chromatography X-ray fluorescence spectrometer method 纸析法X射线荧光光谱测定湿法磷酸中的杂质
Methods Under the various separating condition, the anticoagulating active components of scorpion were appraised with thin layer chromatography ( TLC) and paper chromatography. 方法用不同的展开剂,采用薄层色谱法和纸层析法对全蝎抗凝活性成分进行鉴定和分析。
The chromatographic method usually used are: paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography. 常用的色谱方法有:纸色谱、薄层色谱、液相色谱、气相色谱。
Determination of the GABA in ferment broth by HPLC ( High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and the paper chromatography extraction spectrometry method showed that the two methods made slight difference, suggesting spectrometric method can replace HPLC method in GABA assay. 采用纸色谱萃取分光光度法和HPLC法测定了发酵液中GABA含量,结果显示两种测定方法获得的GABA含量基本一致,因而纸色谱萃取分光光度法可替代HPLC法测定发酵液中GABA。
There's fucose, aminogalactose, and glucuronic acid in SJP, according to the result of paper chromatography. 用浓盐酸水解纯化多糖后做纸层析,结果表明刺参多糖中含有岩藻糖、氨基半乳糖和葡萄糖醛酸。
Discussed the migraction of flavonoids in micellar Paper Chromatography. 应用表面活性剂胶束水溶液,纸色谱分离黄酮类药物。
The homogeneity of SEP was proved by HPLC, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and paper chromatography. 经高效液相色谱、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及纸层析鉴定其纯度。
The adsorption phenomena of trace ionic gold in paper chromatography were investigated. 本文研究了纸色层分析中微量金离子的吸附现象;
Some improvements on the technique of qualitative analysis of amino acids I. rapid hydrolysis and high temperature paper chromatography 氨基酸定性分析技术的一些改进Ⅰ.快速水解和高温滤纸层析
Paper chromatography data of these compounds in four solvent systems were reported. 本文尚报告这些化合物在四种溶剂系统中的纸层析结果,及部分化合物的红外吸收光谱。
Separation and Determination of Mixed Phosphates by Paper Chromatography 混合磷酸盐的纸层析分离与测定
PGF-1-PGF-4 showed to be homogenous by paper chromatography, Sephadex G-200 chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. 4种多糖经纸层析、SephadexG200柱层析及聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,结果表明都为单一均匀组分;PGF-1经纸层析及气相色谱分析证实它是一种葡聚糖;
Paper chromatography shows that there are fucose, aminogalactose and glucuronic acid in sea cucumber polysaccharide. 水解纸层析图谱显示,刺参多糖中含有岩藻糖、氨基半乳糖和葡萄糖醛酸等。
Carbazole reaction and paper chromatography revealed that DP was a kind of acidic polysaccharide. 咔唑反应和纸层析证明该多糖为酸性多糖。
The extracts were separated by silica gel column chromatography, thin-layer chromatography and paper chromatography. 提取液经柱层析分离及薄层层析和纸层析进一步纯化。
Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted by paper chromatography ( PC) and high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC) methods on the kinds and content of terpenoid in cotton varieties. 以纸色谱(PC)和高压液相色谱(HPLC)对棉花中萜烯类化合物的种类和含量进行定性定量分析。
Compositions of Gastrodiae polysaccharide were analyzed by paper chromatography. 纸层析法分析水不溶性天麻多糖的单糖组成成分;
The comparative study on the chemical components of Cuscuta japonica and Cuscuta chinensis Lam have been carried out with TLC, paper chromatography and HPLC. 用TLC、纸层析及HPLC对大菟丝子和菟丝子的化学成分进行了比较研究。
This paper was studied with ability to extraction of EDTA for colored me-tallic ions by reversed paper chromatography and drawed R_f graphs. 通过反相纸层析研究了EDTA对有色金属离子的萃取能力,并绘制了R_f图谱。
The monosaccharides contained in each polysaccharides were analysed by using paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography. 采用新华中速滤纸纸色谱和硅胶G薄层色谱分析多糖各组分的单糖组成。
Malaysia propolis polysaccharide hydrolyzate is composed of rhamnose, galactose, arabinose and glucuronic acid by paper chromatography. 利用纸层析的方法对马来西亚蜂胶多糖的水解液进行初步分析,说明其组成单糖可能为鼠李糖、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖和葡萄糖醛酸。